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Posts By: Steve Lawton

They say fortune favors the bold.  You can’t be bold without taking initiative. If you have lofty goals, you will need to take risks to get there.  You will have to get uncomfortable. You will have to take initiative. Keep in mind, good leaders are looking for their team members to take initiative. So, it’s likely they are wanting you to take initiative and be creative.

Here’s a few ways to do that.

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These are trying times for our country. I’ve been talking about how to use a positive mindset to overcome personal challenges for about 5 years. 10’s of 1000’s of people have heard me talk or read my book. Those same principles apply to our country. When you approach a problem with a positive mindset, you are more likely to get the outcome you desire. One tool is breaking down a large, challenging goal into small steps. A goal that is nearer term, easier to achieve, and one that you can take action on to help lead to that outcome. In my book, the chapter that talks about this is called “One foot in front of the other, small steps to a larger goal.” Fitting for these times.

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Video blog…  It is during challenging times that we grow the most. Can we use the tragic event of the murder of George Floyd and the resulting visibility of the divisions in our society to make change? Can this start the process of recognizing and reversing the expanding division? Can we openly discuss and resolve this longstanding issue? Reflect on the recent events and ask yourself three questions… How does this make you feel? What do you need? What can you do?

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Ever find yourself hesitating to do something new or difficult because you fear something? We can get in our own way and prevent ourselves from moving forward. This video explains what’s happening in your head and how to get moving.

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Here is a link to my recent video  on my youtube channel.  This installment is about understanding what really makes you happy and how to leverage that.  Hope it helps!

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Here is a short video with a few things that are working for me to get through this crisis. I hope they will help you do the same.

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2017 is my fourth bonus Christmas.

By all accounts, I should have died from my skiing accident four years ago, but I didn’t. I’m alive and I get to spend this time with my family.

Indulge me for a moment, and think of this Christmas as a bonus day for you, too. You are blessed to be here and have this opportunity celebrate the holiday.

For those of you lucky enough to spend time with family and loved ones this holiday season, here are 6 ways to not only survive, but to actually enjoy the holiday season.

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Mindfulness is a valuable practice that is complementary, if not the foundation upon which a positive mindset can flourish.    Most of us haven’t considered that we don’t have to be captives of our wandering mind, going with whatever thoughts spring up in the moment. Who tells our brain what to think about?  This is what we explore when we are being mindful.  As I’ve implemented a daily practice of mindfulness, I see why they tell you to focus on your breath.  It’s simple but diabolically difficult.

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Ever get so caught up in your busy schedules, worries or problems that you lose sight of what’s really important to you and react poorly in a situation?  It happens to all of us, but with a little effort, you can shift from reacting to responding.  I would like to share a simple (but not that easy) approach to give yourself some space between stimulus and response.

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What I learned from a high school lacrosse team truly surprised me. The story will convince you of the importance of the inner dialog you have with yourself and how it impacts your success. It’s a life lesson we can all benefit from.

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